Welcome to my shop.
In 1987 I found that I had a passion for motorcycles, and in 1989 that turned into a passion for racing motorcycles. Ever since I have also loved working on and building racing machines. I like the tinkering it takes and most of all the detail that is involved in building track bikes. I don't own a huge shop, but I do have a nice workspace set aside for doing what makes me feel alive.
If you would like your motorcycle set-up for the track, drop me a line.
If you would like your motorcycle set-up for the street, thats fine too.
Complete from the ground up bike preparation, maintinence or just the few things you would like set-up, installed, changed or done. Just ask, it won't hurt too bad.. I dont' bite.
Contact me by clicking HERE!
Vintage MAM Rider School t-shirts
Add large or XL as a note at checkout
2003 CBR600RR Engine
Complete and ready for assembly |
2003 - 2004 CBR600RR Sprockets
520 chain size
lightly used |
$10 each
Used Race tires
Michelin DOT or Slicks |
$40 a set
Use the contact page and I will get back to you as quick as I can. Thanks! |
Want to start racing or just ride at the track? You've come to the right place. Jimmy's Garage has your answers. *Find more of Jimmy's Garage on the GALLERY page too.
Welcome to Jimmy's Garage! It's been a while since I have done an update here so I figured it was time. Since I have been racing for over 20 years, I figured I should have a spot to give back to the road racing community. In the past I have taught, ran racing schools, coached, helped riders ride smarter, safer and faster. Lately though, I have just been racing. So, here's a place to send new or older riders alike to try and get a grasp on getting to the track and enjoying the sport!
Below you will find some helpful information on what you need to get to the race track, what to bring, and a few other ideas to go along with all of that.
To race or attend a track day there are some basic needs, and then there are all the wants and nice to haves.
NEEDS: to go Racing (to race you must attend a racing school, pass, then purchase a racing license to participate)..
..or attend a Track Day(some track days have different requirements, this is what you should have):
Bike and Gear:
- A bike in good working order that does not leak any fluids
(oil drain plug, oil fill cap, and oil filter all safety wired)
(for racing you also need a lower belly pan that is sealed and will act as a catch pan if something starts to leak, along with some other items safety wired and removed, you will also need a rear stand since kickstands are not allowed in racing)
- A one or two piece leather riding suit
- Gauntlet style leather gloves (no vent holes)
- Riding Boots that cover your ankles (no work boots, must be motorcycle boots)
- A Back Protector, and a chest plate is recommended
- A Full Face Helmet, no scrapes or scratches, snell approved, no more than five years old
- Drinking Water
- Snacks/food
- Duc Tape, zip ties
- Towel
- Change of clothes
- Notebook, pen
- Extra fuel
- small cooler
It is nice to know how to do these things:
Your fun level will be higher if you can manage a few things on your own, as well as save you some cash, but not required.
- know how to safety wire your bike
- know how to take off your wheels
- know how to change your brake pads
- know how to change your oil
- know how to adjust your chain
- know how to change your sprockets
- know how to change your levers, handlebars, rearsets
How to get your bike to the track:
- If you are doing a track day, you can just ride your bike to the track. Make sure you stop at the last possible gas station and top off your fuel tank. Once you arrive at the track you can tape up your lights and mirrors. Done.
- If you are going racing you should not ride your bike to the track. There are just too many complications to doing that and it is not suggested. So, you will need a bike hauler. Here are some options:
- pickup truck
- car with small flat bed trailer behind it
- either a car or suv with a small enclosed trailer
- van, small Astro vans work great, or bigger full size vans too
- RV with trailer, and so on...
(I also carry small pieces of cut 2x4's so I can put them under my jack if needed)
**You don't have to have a big vehicle to go racing or do a track day and haul your bike. I started racing with a Ford Ranger and travelled the country racing AMA Superbike out of the back of it. At times I found buddies that had bikes and wanted to to go to, so we hooked up a 3-rail trailer and had a ton more room. I stored my trailer in my parents garage on it's side tied to the center poll (against one wall would work too), this way the garage could still be used and there were no worries on storing a trailer somewhere.
This is a picture of my ranger with bike, gearbag, spare wheels, fuel cans, toolbox, canopy, table, chairs, air tank, cooler, spare parts, and suitcase. You can do a lot with very little space if you plan.
Here are some nice to have items:
- front and rear stands (should have both for racing)
- tool kit/box (and don't carry a big metal tool box with you.. they are heavy, hard to move, and too big.. I used to, but now I carry a plasic tool box that has everything I need in it, and it doesn't take up any room.
- spare parts:levers, clip-ons, rear-sets, brake pads, sprockets, nuts, bolts, fasteners, master links, faceshields
- canopy (these can be life savers, and heartbreakers.. If you are going to set up a canopy, tie it down on ALL FOUR LEGS! ALWAYS! WITH SOMETHING HEAVY! AND I AM NOT JOKING! It is no fun to destroy someone elses stuff with your canopy when a small light wind blows it into someone elses $100,000 motorcycle or vehicle)
- spare wheels
- tire warmers (include power cords)
- generator
Nice to have Basic Tool Kit:
Make sure you know whether you will need metric or not.. most bikes are metric, unless you have a Buell or something. Also, don't go buy expensive tools for the track.. keep it simple, go to Sears or something, not Snap-on or Mac unless you have loads of cash to burn (if so, I can really make you a good list!)
- T handles (8mm - 17mm socket)
- Allen T handles (2.5mm - 10mm)
- Big sockets that will fit your axels, and counter shaft nut
- wrench set
- socket set (make sure you get 3/8" to 1/2" and vise verse adapters)
- vise grips
- plire set
- screwdriver set
- snap ring plires
- tape measure
- breaker bar (I use an old bent fork tube)
- mallet
- lock tite
- high temp rtv
- heavy duty electric impact 1/2" (mine is Black and Decker and works great)
How to set up your bike
What to buy first
1. Make it fit the rules:
- protective engine covers - I use WOODCRAFT
- lower body that holds fluid
- safety wire
2. Tires:
- New tires are always cheaper than fixing a wrecked bike, keep good tires on your bike - I use MICHELIN
3. Brakes:
- Make sure you have fresh fluid and good pads - I use MOTUL fluid and DP BRAKES brake pads
4. Suspention:
- get the proper weight springs for your forks and shock for your weight. Valving is extra and come later. Once your bike is sprung for your weight you can get your basic starting sag set correctly.
Thats all you need to get started racing or doing track days the right way.
I thought I would copy my first news article from the latest website overhaul since this was the site to this page as well for a little incentive to getting the racing bug..
This is it, the first test page of the new James A. Milroy Jr web site. After racing for nearly 20 years I have finally designed my personal web site for the public to see. Yes I have had other web sites, but non devoted to me personally. Me, Me, Me.. Is that bad? Who cares. It's all about having fun anyway.
Racing motorcycles has been my passion for a l-o-n-g time. I first got interested in racing in 1988 watching Fred Merkel winning the first World Superbike series on ESPN. I've still got most of that year on VHS! Way cool to go back and watch.
Raymond Roche's Ducati
1989 BIR WSB
Then my very first real live racing experience in person was the 1989 Brainerd International Speedway World Superbike Event. My buddy Troy and I drove his brown pickup truck right to the middle of the World Superbike Paddock (unquestioned mind you), parked, set up our red and white covered wagon looking tent in the bed of the truck and began to enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of the racing community. I remember waking up after the first night in the bed of the truck (in the WSB paddock!) listening to european voices commenting on our tent (they liked it by the way). Then a huge roar as the sound of my first Ducati filled my eardrums. I got up quick, grabbed my camera and took this picture.
The BIG10 Covered Wagon
Our new friend and first known racer buddy was competing in the AMA races that weekend as well, Dave Rosno. He actually talked us into going to the races, and I'm glad he did. Next for us that year was the Road America AMA races and the California Superbike School following the weekend. There was no such thing as a track day back then and that's where I got my road racing license and it all began. A month later we drove to Hallet Raceway in Oklahoma and started racing. That's the short story of how it all began.
Of late I have been doing more instruction than racing. This began in 2000 when I started taking part in Dave Rosnos' Visionsports Riding Schools program. Then in 2002 I started out on my own with my MAM Rider School. I had a wonderful school going until the end of 2006. In 2007 the local track cancelled its weekly riding club and that was that. Late in 2007 Dave and I ran across each other again late in the season and I was able to lend a hand again with two of his schools at Heartland Park in Topeka, Kansas.
It's been a long journey and there are hundreds of great stories and people I've met along the way, but I'll save that for another time. Welcome to my place and enjoy. ---> Jimmy